You Say The City Brings You Down


At the beginning of what has felt like an eternal quarantine, I offered myself solace by thinking about my eventual return to the home I’ve found at Kenyon. As much as I love my home town, I’ve become my favorite version of myself as a result of my departure. Over the past few years, it’s become harder to define myself here, as I feel more separate from the self that I was before Kenyon. Still, as we’ve been stuck in these little pockets of memory, what was there to do but make peace with it?

My method of searching for self and comfort since spring has manifested in a renaissance of adoration for the music I grew up with. A lot of what feels like home to my ears is the folk- and blues-inspired rock of my boomer parents’ heyday. It felt relevant to include the songs that were my companions during these months of introspection, too. This playlist is my best shot at creating a little universe that paves a path between the multiple homes that create one person.

Giulia Cancro