feeling weird in a college dorm room in ohio playlist

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As lucky as I am to be on campus this semester, I can’t lie and say things haven’t felt strange. Many of my friends have deferred for the year, or live on the opposite of campus. It’s weird to not see people as often as you once could, especially when those connections were what made Kenyon so special to you in the first place. I’m so happy to be in Gambier, but at the same time I’ve been feeling weirdly isolated. Too many days have been spent laying on the floor of my dorm room and wondering if everyone is as lonely as me. (Sounds dramatic, but I think it’s justified in this case.)

Whether you’re on campus or not right now, I’m sure that feeling of isolation is familiar to us all. This playlist is meant to allow you to wallow in those strange lonely I-should-be-happy-but-I-feel-weird vibes. Ranging from Frank Ocean and Kid Cudi to Kate Bush and Julia Jacklin, these songs are perfect for when you’re laying on the floor of your room and missing how things were before...well, you know.

Things will get better, one day at a time. Until then, music heals.

Mikayla Connolly